Club - History


In the year 1982 twenty-four bikers came together to found the Motorcycle Club
Daring Eagles MC Germany.
The first club meetings and parties took a place in a small club room at a member's. After three years this room hat to be left and we sat "on the road" for two years.
During this time the club evenings were held on our camp site in summer or - in the colder season - in a pub. In those hard but good times we found out who really belonged to us.
Most members left and a new start was made. Meanwhile we separated from our Chapter Nord Ende / SH. In 1987 we found a suitable building which we converted into our club house in the following years.
Since then Daring Eagles MC Germany consists of 10 members who have been in good contact with home and foreign motorcycle clubs for many years.
The cohesion and the fun at the Club, the common exits that maintaining friendships on own, - and parties of friendly clubs, has for all Daring Eagles top
priority and is what makes the MC, to which all Member rightly proud.

See Ya

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